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Small Business | Stay Connected

Small Business | Stay Connected

The holidays are around the corner and that means the shopping has already started. This year has brought so many changes, stresses, and concerns, but one thing that remains and cannot be taken away from us completely is the holiday season.

According to The Visa Back to Business Study, 60% of Americans will do the majority of their shopping with local retailers this year.

That statistic alone is big enough to make sure your wholesale and retail business is ready for the holidays in 2020.

“All businesses right now should be thinking about connecting with your customers digitally, getting creative in how to acquire new customers, wow the customers you have to improve retention and watch expenses to preserve cash,” says Jeff Jones, President, and CEO of H&R Block.


This year Americans have moved much of their lives online during 2020. For retailers, that means having the capability to sell online, where sales could grow 30% this year, according to Salesforce. If you are not there yet, there are many easy and affordable ways to create your own website.

We keep hearing the word pivot and maybe you are tired of it, but those that have thrived this year have made the important decision to pivot their business model. “It sounds cliché, but this is the time to really listen to your customers,” says Tom Sullivan, v.p. of small business for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. “Throughout this pandemic, the small businesses that have focused on their value and how that value translates to a unique customer need are the ones who have been able to successfully pivot.”

There is a permanent shift toward e-commerce and those that take the most advantage will make it in 2020 AND will emerge stronger and smarter. Many small business owners have said this year has forced them to expand how they do business, and it is a chance they will continue long after the pandemic is gone.

IndieMe supports small businesses and we are doing all we can to make sure our members survive 2020. IndieMe created one of the first Virtual Expos in June and we are getting ready for our third event on February 10-16, 2021. We created Coffee Break Monday and Happy Hour Friday to keep our artists and buyers connected. Check them out on our website. indieme.com

Consumers are well aware of the challenges faced by all small businesses this year and most want to do what they can to support them.

Lean into that support and let’s all work together to keep our small businesses alive and thriving. #shopsmallbusiness #buyhandmade.


Whimsical Art | Laughing Moon

Whimsical Art | Laughing Moon

Happy Fall Ya'll

Happy Fall Ya'll