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Holiday Season | Ready to Shop

Holiday Season | Ready to Shop

This holiday shopping season will look and be much different. In the past marketers often look at last year’s holiday trend to understand how to plan this year’s season. That does not work for 2020.

According to data, the number one holiday trend: is eCommerce. In a recent study called “Peak to Recovery”, 65% miss going to physical stores, and 88% plan to continue purchasing gifts online. However, with safety measures in place like wearing a mask, many experts believe the consumer will be more than ready to shop in stores by the time Black Friday rolls around. The word on the street is consumers will be spending for the holidays no matter what.

Lets go shopping!

Lets go shopping!

Shop owners now is the time to get your stores ready for the holiday shopping season. IndieMe is your one-stop wholesale platform for handcrafted, one-of-a-kind items.

Our second Virtual Expo, September 9-15, 2020 is the perfect time to sit back on your couch, pour your favorite beverage, and shop! We have 200 artists signed up and ready to offer great incentives and show specials. Convenient, safe, and saves you money.

We know it looks different this year, but the consumer still has to buy gifts and is yearning for some normalcy. Shopping during the holiday season just may be what the doctor ordered. Be ready!

Holiday Retail Season may look different in 2020 but gifts still need to be bought and people are ready to buy.

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