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2021 Retail Trends

2021 Retail Trends

The pandemic has changed the landscape of the retail industry in a big way. How did retailers survive the widespread shutdowns? Many buyers told us they had to adapt by letting employees go, cutting down on inventory, and adding an online presence.

What are the experts seeing and saying about trends for 2021?

  • Tech will continue to change the retail industry

  • Online shopping is more important than ever.

According to a survey conducted earlier this year by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and the NetComm Suisse e-Commerce Association, online sales have "increased by 6 to 10 percentage points across most product categories”

COVID-19 has forced and accelerated this shift into the digital world. These changes will have lasting effects and the experts say that those retailers that can operate online, with be able to thrive in 2021. Since online shopping continues to grow, retailers will need to take a more holistic approach to their business and create a diversified approach.


IndieMe has seen this shift firsthand. The retailers on IndieMe that were willing to pivot and add an online store, seem to have not only survived but thrived this past year. If you are a brick-and-mortar, think about adding an online presence to your business. The data is showing that consumers are not moving away from online shopping any time soon.

IndieMe created the first 100% handcrafted virtual show in 2020. Our goal was to find a way to bring the artist and the buyer together during a time we could not physically be together. Little did we know that this expo was just what the industry needed and is now an important event that buyers and artists are eagerly adding to their show calendars.

I just wanted to say a heartfelt thanks for all the work you have put into the Virtual Market. I was so pleased with all my orders and the new reaches for my work. It really brought a lot of enthusiasm and hope for my business. The fact that you have been so innovative in moving to a virtual show platform has thoroughly impressed me during these trying times when bright ideas are the only thing that keeps progress moving forward. Vicki Gill | Bluegill Pottery

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Our next Virtual Expo is scheduled for September 8-14, 2021. Register today!

The digital world is hot and it growing fast! IndieMe has always known how important online shopping is, we have been mastering it for 23 Years! Interested in being an artist on IndieMe?

Email us at service@indieme.com.


Selling Wholesale

Selling Wholesale

Coffee & Cocktails | 2021

Coffee & Cocktails | 2021