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Video Marketing

Video Marketing

Why should you make a video for your business?

At IndieMe we are asked that question a lot. We feel strongly, that now more than ever, a video gives a customer the needed personal interaction. In a video, a customer can see the inside of their favorite store, see an item being modeled, or step inside a studio.

How cool to learn how an artist creates their pieces and watch the process. For a retailer, video allows them to put a face to the beautiful earrings, mugs, clocks, etc they carry in their store.

Here are four good reasons you NEED to use a video in your business plan:

  1. Video can boost conversions and sales. Videos are a direct link to more sales. In 2020, 92% of marketers say that video is an important part of their marketing strategy. This has grown from 78% in 2015, pointing out how much video has grown. No better time than the present to start crafting your exciting videos now!

  2. Video Builds Trust: A video can build trust and create long-term business relationships. A video is likely to engage more and ignite emotions, which creates a sense of individual approach which is why 57% of consumers say that videos gave them more confidence to purchase online.

  3. Video engages buyers more. Video is a great tool for learning and is very easy to consume. Many consumers want to see the product live and see the maker in action. This gives the consumer more insight and appreciation for the process.

  4. Content is important. Your production quality needs to be good but more important is the substance. The content needs to be engaging and keep the viewer watching and waiting for more.

So get your phones out and make a video for your IndieMe store and/or website. Start telling your story!

Artists show the buyers the process and materials you use for your items. Invite them into your studio and educate them, but most importantly INSPIRE them.

IndieMe has a video library now. Check it out! Video Library


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