
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

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Join IndieMe | Apply Now

How do I sell my work on your site? What does it take to get started? How is selling wholesale different than retail? We receive these sorts of questions weekly. We understand it can be scary jumping from retail to wholesale but our platform makes it easy.


How do I get started on IndieMe?

IndieMe is all about 100% handcrafted made in America and Canada. If this is you, then you are more than halfway there.

Next step: fill out an artist application on IndieMe. We will email you instructions on how to log in and begin the application process. Once we receive a complete application we will put you through the jury process. This can take 1-2 weeks and you will receive scores and comments from the jurors.

“YAY I am approved!”

Now what? Now you work on your store. When you are approved, we put your store in “set up mode” which means the buyers cannot see your page and it gives you time to make your store the best it can be. When you are ready, just hit ‘Publish My Page” and we will review your store and if it looks good, we will make you LIVE.

IndieMe is the platform for you to host your handcrafted store. All decisions about your store are up to you: images, shipping, payment set up, and much more. We NEVER take a commission, Your orders are ALL yours. Our platform allows you to upload 100’s of products with multiple views, quickly update order status, an artist stats page that allows you to keep up with buyer hits and views, and a fully integrated shopping cart. IndieMe is always here to help guide you and give you advice and suggestions to ensure you succeed.

I am NEW to wholesale

We understand that Emerging Artists may have more questions or need more help. We are only a phone call away and we offer mentors. If you need it, we will have one of our mentors reach out and help you set up your store and be available to answer any questions.

“I received an order!”

We always love hearing those words, especially from our new artists. When you receive an order make sure you confirm the order. Look for any communication or special requests the buyer may have added to the order. Communication is key, so make sure you respond in a timely matter when a buyer emails you. Remember, they are working hard on filling their stores, so they need to know the status of an order.

IndieMe tips:

  • IndieMe highly recommends you use the highest quality photos of your products you can. Hire a photographer or read some photography tips and do it yourself. Remember, the photos of your products are all the buyers have to go on so they need to be clear, professional, and eye-catching. Show your product on models (especially jewelry) and your pottery and glass on a tabletop or in a kitchen. Lifestyle images are very important.

  • Choose your keywords wisely! Be specific and simple. Think how a buyer would think when they are searching for items. Make sure you add the obvious like a necklace, soap, earrings, vase, etc. Keywords are the number one way a buyer searches on our site.

  • Add images of yourself in the About Us section. Buyers love to see what the artist looks like

  • Add a video. Videos are a great way for the buyer to learn more about you and see you working in your studio. It also gives them insight into the process of your craft.

  • Lastly, we recommend you continue to market yourself while on the site. We have many marketing opportunities to stay relevant and in front of the buyers.


IndieMe is the premier marketplace for buyers to connect with artists 24/7. We have over 20k buyers on our site, shopping and placing orders.

Apply today and get in front of the buyers looking for 100% handcrafted items.

*IndieMe™ reserves the right to refuse any enrollment for any reason, including not fully meeting these qualification requirements or misrepresentation in the type of work, quality of work, or quality of images presented for screening.

A Year Ago

A Year Ago

Self Care

Self Care