
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Wholesale Grows Your Business

Wholesale Grows Your Business

Many artists are nervous about selling their products wholesale. The process seems overwhelming and that uncertainty causes them to not do it. We want to share why YOU should wholesale and how it can help grow your business.

  • Generates BIG orders. Instead of selling just one item, you could be selling two dozen.

  • Selling your products at wholesale can help expand your reach in the market, especially stores that are busy and have a lot of foot traffic. There have been many instances a retailer is traveling, sees an artist in a store, and contacts them.

  • When you start selling to retailers, and peers and competitors see your items in stores, it immediately builds credibility.

  • If your item does well in a retailer’s store, then you can bet they will buy from you again.

  • Bottom line: Wholesale grows your business!

Selling your products wholesale can open up new revenue streams that connect you with many customers through the retailers that carry your items in their stores.

IndieMe provides a wholesale platform that successfully connects the artist and buyer.

We make the process easy for the artist to sell their products and we have created a platform where the buyer can easily find an artist, a specific media, create wish lists, place items in carts, and most importantly we have a safe and state of the art shopping cart!

IndieMe has over 20k buyers on our website and we vet all our retailers that have access to shop on our site. Join the IndieMe Marketplace and learn how wholesale can have a positive impact on your business!

Learn more here: indieme.com


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Online Shopping Habits Changed

Coffee and Cocktails | Sip'n Shop

Coffee and Cocktails | Sip'n Shop