
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

A Year Ago

A Year Ago


A year ago today, The World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic, and our lives changed forever. We have lost over 2.6 million people globally and 528,000 Americans. It has been a devastating year filled with the anxiety of the unknown and the heartache of loss.

During this past year, families have gone months without seeing or hugging friends and family members. Many lost their jobs. The “work from home” era began, blurring the line between work and home life. Schools closed. Sports were canceled. Toilet paper disappeared. As our “normal” lives came to a halt our mental health suffered.

Fast forward a year, and the US approved three vaccines in the hopes of curbing the virus. It has given us hope for better days. The virus isn’t gone yet and we still need to be diligent to follow the CDC guidelines, but we have HOPE!

Hope is an optimisitc state of mind that is based on an expectation of positive outcomes with respect to events and cirucumstances in one’s life or world.-Wikipedia

We are so proud of our IndieMe family. You have made the necessary changes and pivoted to not only survive but thrive. We are honored to have walked beside you and hopefully helped in some small way get through this unprecedented year.

IndieMe will continue to create new events and opportunities for our members. If anything, 2020 has taught us that we are stronger than we thought and together we can do anything!

Thank you for all your support and together we will continue to grow the handcrafted industry.

Garden Deva | Happy Spirit

Garden Deva | Happy Spirit

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