
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Unconditional Love | Our Pets

Unconditional Love | Our Pets

Pets are non-judgmental and provide unconditional love, meaning, and joy. An organic and real love that is unique to animals. They want to be with us no matter what. When we are sick, they lay by our side. When we are sad they comfort us. When we come home from a hard day, they greet us with exuberance and happiness.


In these strange and difficult days, our pets give us the companionship, love, and laughter we desperately need. Many of us are working from home and our pets have become our assistants, our stress breakers, and our zoom companions.

Some companies have created work channels just so employees can show off their pets. When people talk about their furry companions, the walls come down and the mutual bond creates relationships. Our pets make us feel loved even when we do not feel lovable. They teach us that just doing nothing sometimes and enjoying the warmth of the sun, is just enough.

“Animals are such agreeable friends—they ask no questions; they pass no criticisms.” –George Eliot

Our artists love their pets too! Here is a list of some of the IndieMe artists that create fun and amazing items with animals in mind. Shop and fill your stores.

Little Guys by Cindy Pacileo | Mudworks Pottery | 100 Horses | Palmetto Cat Design | Duane Scherer | Metal Petal Art | Cranky Cat Collection | Ten Good Sheep | Sally C. Evans | Wild Color Studios | Sticks

Reuse and Recreate | Marchello Art

Reuse and Recreate | Marchello Art

My Story | Judith Freeman

My Story | Judith Freeman