
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Reuse and Recreate | Marchello Art

Reuse and Recreate | Marchello Art

I started my journey as an artist in 2010 by picking up the trade from my dad, who was turning silverware into art many years before that. Together, we expanded the process so I can make the designs you see today. 

My inspiration comes from the harm caused to the environment by our culture of convenience with disposable products that makes things to be used up and thrown away, just so another one has to be bought. This is incredibly wasteful and destructive. I aim to inspire people to reconsider this with my silverware jewelry by revealing the beauty that still remains within objects that are often considered used. This reveal is quite dramatic with silver plate because when it sits unloved, it becomes tarnished and dirty. However, when cleaned up and transformed into something new, the exquisite character of the piece is brought anew.

When you buy a piece from Marchello Art you are helping create a world with more sustainable products by rethinking the product life cycle. 

We want the after life of created goods to be considered by all so we can preserve this world for future generations. By reusing vintage silverware into jewelry, we are also bypassing the need to mine new metals for jewelry use. This leads to the most sustainable jewelry available. Thanks for helping create a more sustainable product life cycle!


IndieMe Artist | Reuse and Recreate

Coffee | Reap the Benefits

Coffee | Reap the Benefits

Unconditional Love | Our Pets

Unconditional Love | Our Pets