
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Finding Joy in this Summer

Finding Joy in this Summer

Summer is synonymous with sun, beach, vacations, flowers, long days and warm nights. In these unsettling times how can we find the Joy this summer?

Since our travel is limited and our get together’s small, we are forced to bloom where we are planted and try to appreciate all the fun and simple parts of summer: The lightening bugs that light up the summer nights. The melodious sounds of the cicadas. Spur of the moment road trips, windows down with the wind rolling through the car.

The summer of 2020, not what we expected, but maybe a time to rediscover the small wonders of the season.

At IndieMe we find joy and inspiration from the beautiful work of our artists, like the jewelry by Dancing Moon and the wire flowers by Village Designs. May we all find the Joy this summer.

Jewels of the Vineyard|My Inspiration

Jewels of the Vineyard|My Inspiration

 Artists Making a Difference

Artists Making a Difference