
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

 Artists Making a Difference

Artists Making a Difference

We have all added a new clothing item and it looks like it will be around for a while.

IndieMe artist Janet Pitcher is doing her part to stop the spread and helping us look good while we do it.. Janet created these artisan cloth masks that match her floral jewelry. Beautiful and so creative.

Check out Petal Pushers by Janet Picher on our site: artist #23846. We all have been forced to pivot and make changes in 2020, Kudos to all the IndieMe artists that have brought color, style, and beauty to an otherwise dark time.

Masks and Necklace

Masks and Necklace

Be Creative and Stop the Spread

Be Creative and Stop the Spread

IndieMe Artists-Be Creative

Finding Joy in this Summer

Finding Joy in this Summer

Save the date for our second Virtual Expo

Save the date for our second Virtual Expo