
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Creativity is Healthy

Creativity is Healthy

Why is being creative important? Does it make us happier and live longer? Of course at IndieMe we think so, but here are some stats as to why living a creative life is healthy!

Be Creative | Live Longer:: In this Scientific American article, “researchers found that only creativity—not intelligence or overall openness—decreased mortality risk. One possible reason creativity is protective of health is that it draws on a variety of neural networks within the brain.” Many artists tell us their studio and where they create is their happy place. We completely understand that. Studies have shown that creating art decreases negative emotions and reduces anxiety.

Solve Problems: Can being creative help solve problems? Yes! Being creative helps you see things differently. Many creative people think outside the box, and this can be crucial in dealing with daily problems or issues that arise.

More Confident: Many outside the art world don’t realize that when an artist shares their work, it is a very vulnerable spot. They take a risk every time they put their work out there to the world to see and buy. When you are part of the creative process, you realize that failure and rejection come with it. The more you experience it the more you realize you can handle it, learn from it, and grow. In the end, this gives an artist more confidence to continue creating new things without the fear of failure.

All of us at IndieMe are amazed by every artist’s creativity and talent on our platform. We are grateful to be surrounded by beautiful pieces of work that we know much love, work, and time went into.


If you are interested in being an artist on our site, go to our website to learn more. https://www.indieme.com/

2021 IndieMe Artist Contest

2021 IndieMe Artist Contest

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Marketing Opportunities