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Organize your Art Studio

Organize your Art Studio

Happy New Year! A new year brings hope, change, and a little spring cleaning. What better time to organize your studio!

We realize your art studio is very important since this is where all the magic happens. When a studio is organized and streamlined, it allows you to concentrate on making the art and not be overwhelmed by the chaos.

“For every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned”

Whether you are making jewelry, pottery, blown glass, sewing, or painting, a clutter-free workspace can keep you focused on your work and creating.


PLAN A “SPRING CLEANING.” At least twice a year, make a plan to clean your studio. This means getting rid of old materials such as dried-out paintbrushes, organizing your supplies, and putting items back into place. Many times you can donate items instead of throwing them away.

USE CONTAINERS: There is no need to spend a lot of money on decorative bins; you can use mason jars, old drinking glasses, or inexpensive metal bins. Many of these items can be found in discount stores.

LABEL EVERYTHING: This is an easy way to keep your space organized. You will quickly be able to see what is in a drawer, jar, or storage container. Invest in a label maker, it will be worth it.

INVEST IN AN ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEM: These can increase your storage potential and many can fold away or become a piece of furniture. Many studios are small, so be efficient with your space. Ikea has some good choices.

DESIGNATED AREA: Make sure you have a designated area for your work in progress. You should be able to clear your workspace by having a place to put things. Floating shelves and rolling bins are good options.

KEEP IT CLEAN: Once you have a system in place and it works, you need to put the effort into maintaining it. Simple acts at the end of the day, like putting supplies back in place, take only a few minutes. Tomorrow when you sit down to create, you will have an organized and peaceful start.

Enjoy your organized and clean studio.

Happy Creating!


Virtual Expo | Samples

Virtual Expo | Samples

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