
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Bye 2020

Bye 2020

As I reflect on the rollercoaster ride, we called 2020, I find myself focusing on all the good that came from it. While many of us have been touched by the pandemic in ways we may never recover from, I found our industry strong and resilient. We have shown unity, ingenuity, and perseverance. 

When I purchased this company in January of 2020, I could never have imagined what I was about to encounter. After being sick in late January and early February for 6 weeks, (yes 6!), with what at the time we thought was the flu, I was then faced with a pandemic.

Our industry, like many others, was being adversely affected by the pandemic. Brick and mortar stores were being shuttered, while stay-at-home orders were being executed across the country. I could see the effect this was taking on IndieMe as buyers began telling us they had to shut their stores, artists unable to pay their fees, all while sharing heartbreaking stories.

In all honesty, I was scared. I had just taken out a rather large loan to purchase IndieMe and the payments were still due each month. Every night I would lay awake wondering what I was going to do. And then it became crystal clear…give the industry something to look forward to, something to bring them together and possibly make their companies more profitable. The IndieMe Marketplace Virtual Expo had arrived!

The expertise and industry-specific knowledge provided by the staff positioned the company for the concept of a Virtual Expo. The expo opened the door to many NEW buyers that are now registered and happy shopping on the IndieMe Marketplace. Many retailers have stressed how thrilled they are to see a platform focused solely on Handcrafted, Made in the USA / Canada product lines. As one buyer put it, "now I can shop year-round for handcrafted never having to leave my store! Thank you IndieMe!"

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I sleep much better these days; I see the end of the pandemic is possible and a sense of normalcy can return. There is no greater feeling than being surrounded by what you love. And in a time when we have found more meaning in time spent with loved ones, we are incredibly grateful you are members and supporters of IndieMe.

Cheers to a relaxing, restorative and happy New Year!

Jacqueline Adamany | President, IndieMe

Organize your Art Studio

Organize your Art Studio

Virtual Expo 2021 | NEW Features

Virtual Expo 2021 | NEW Features