
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Last Minute Shopping

Last Minute Shopping

We are all hearing about the supply chain issues and how they could affect gift-giving for the 2021 holiday season. We have a solution: buy handmade and buy local. Support your local downtown shops and galleries, and in turn support artists.

Introducing our last event of 2021: Holiday Blitz-our Last Minute Market.

Retailers, this is IndieMe’s answer to the supply chain bottleneck! Fill your shelves with artists who can deliver your order within just a few days during our Holiday Blitz, November 28 - December 1, 2021. This Last Minute Market features artists with super fast shipping times saving you time while you focus on your business during this all-important 4th quarter. This stand-alone platform will work seamlessly with the IndieMe Marketplace allowing buyers to check out with each of the participating artists using the IndieMe PCI-compliant shopping cart.

Retailers, mark your calendars for November 28-December 1! All the artists participating will be able to ship their items to you quickly and before the last sprint of the holiday shopping season.

Artists be sure to sign up if you can ship quickly! Register Here. It is FREE to participate.

Be Creative | Store Windows

Be Creative | Store Windows

