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Holiday Blitz 2021

Holiday Blitz 2021

Introducing a NEW event to the IndieMe Marketplace | Holiday Blitz

The 4th quarter buying season, the months between October and December, is the biggest selling season of the year.

Why is this time period so crazy? There are 3 major holidays that occur during the 4th quarter Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.


IndieMe has been a leader in the wholesale business for over 23 years, so we know retail trends. We created this event to give the buyer one place to shop handcrafted for the holiday season.

The Holiday Blitz will include only the artists that advertise in the Fall Buyers Guide. (order your ad here) We are taking the Fall Buyers Guide and bringing it to life! Here is how it will work:

Purchase an ad in the Fall Buyers Guide. The catalog mails to over 15k retailers on August 23, 2021. Flip through the catalog and highlight your favorite artists. Then on October 23-25, 2021 we bring the catalog to life with its own platform. This stand-alone platform will work seamlessly with the IndieMe Marketplace allowing buyers to check out with each of the participating artists using the IndieMe PCI-compliant shopping cart. All the articles will be interactive and bonus, we are giving away THREE kindles. When a buyer places an order they are eligible to win a kindle.


The holiday season is the busiest time of the year for almost all retail business, so we want to give our artists and our buyers every chance to be successful.

Artists order your Fall Buyers GuideAd here and buyers mark your calendars for the Holiday Blitz | October 23-25, 2021. This will be an exciting 3 days to fill your store for the holiday season.

LITVA'S Jewelry | Radiate Confidence

LITVA'S Jewelry | Radiate Confidence

Selling Wholesale

Selling Wholesale