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Create your Brand

Create your Brand


What is branding? Branding is the marketing practice of actively shaping your brand. That is the basic definition but there is so much more.

When you own a small business and start to sell wholesale, a strong brand is crucial to your success. Your brand identity is more than just your logo. Your brand is how it looks and speaks to the customers. Branding helps you establish the ways in which you are different and unique.

Make sure you know the 3 C’s in creating your brand:

  • Clarity: It is your job to figure out what your message is so make sure it is clear. Where did the idea of your business come from? Why do you create your items?

  • Consistency: Keep the look and the voice of your brand the same throughout all platforms. It should be the same on your website, all ads, social media, and emails.

  • Commitment: Be patient and remember “all good things come to those that wait.” Do not get discouraged if your post doesn’t go viral immediately, great branding takes time.

Do your research! You have to understand your customers. Understanding your target market will help you shape your story. Next move on to your competitors. Get to know your competitors and understand the other businesses in your industry.

Now work on what will make up your brand like logo, color, typography, photographs, and graphics. Your logo is the face of your company and designing it is arguably the most important branding you can do for your business. Take the time to think about who you are as you design your logo. The time and energy you put into your logo will pay off for years to come.

Create a Brand Story. Think about what your brand believes in. Who are you? Where do you see your business going? Try and make your brand relatable and interesting so customers connect with you. People can become your ambassadors by spreading your brand and ideas to their own networks.

Build brand recognition. If you want to build a successful brand, you need to be recognizable. When a customer sees your brand or logo in a store and knows right away who you are, you have done a great job.

Now take all that branding and start to market your business. At the end of the day, marketing is the process that brings you the leads and sales, but branding is the foundation that builds customer loyalty.

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4th Virtual Expo

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