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Show off your Brand

Show off your Brand

Are you just starting an eCommerce store? Do you sell online but need to update your product images?

IndieMe has been connecting buyers with artists for 24 years and we cannot stress enough how important great product photos are when it comes to selling anything online. We all know the saying “make a great first impression.” This holds true for any situation and when selling your items online this can mean the difference between many orders and no orders.

Take the time and sometimes money to invest in your product images. It may seem overwhelming but the rewards are worth it.

Why are high-quality product images important?

  • Your product images are the first thing buyers see on your online store. When viewing your products online, shoppers want to be certain the actual product will match their expectations. People make a visual judgment quickly, you want to make a great first impression before they click off your store and move on to another maker.

  • Give the buyer many angles when viewing your product. Show the entire product so the buyer does not have to guess or wonder what the back or side looks like. Using models can achieve this and is extremely important when selling jewelry.

  • Good product photos boost your brand! When you have high-quality photos it helps build trust in you and your products and builds a stronger brand.

  • Anytime something can give your business a competitive edge you take it right? Well, that is what great product images can do. Make your product images so enticing that the buyers do not want or need to check anywhere else. A great product image should invite the buyer in and give them all the good feelings, so they are excited to carry your line in their store.

Marketing and Social Media

  • You want to have the right images to grab your customer right away. Did you know that in some industries like jewelry, image search can drive sales? It is true so you want to make sure your images grab the buyer immediately so they place the order. If they are brought to your page and the photography is not great, it gives an overall sub-par impression of your business.

  • Most companies and most consumers are on social media so make sure your images make your products look amazing. You can tell a story on social media, you can post videos of you working in your studio. All of this helps buyers and future customers better understand your entire creative process.

Do you still feel like you need help? Here are some good links to help you achieve the best product images you possibly can.

We know you can do it and we are excited to see all the new product images you take.

Below are some examples of great product images for your online store.

Awaken and be Refreshed

Awaken and be Refreshed

Net Terms

Net Terms