
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Limited Release

Limited Release

Artists, are you thinking about a new line or collection? Want to test it out and see what kind of response you get?

Introducing our new Limited Release/Drop days. Many brands are doing it across all mediums so why shouldn’t you?

What are Limited Releases or drops? They allow brands to test emerging trends or new collections and gather feedback from customers. It is usually just for the day, and when it is going it is gone! Many of the big brands have been doing it for years and it works!

Retailers are always looking for new items for their stores because they want to be the first and sometimes the only store to carry a certain brand or collection. It is proving to be very successful on our platform. Here is how it works:

Limited Releases or “drops” consist of releasing NEW products or small collections that are not in your IndieMe store or other online platforms and won’t be restocked. When it is gone it is gone! We will help you market the release through email and social media, all you have to do is add the product (s) to your IndieMe store. (put them on hold until the release day)

If you are an artist on IndieMe, you just created a new collection or line, email us at service@indieme.com and let’s set up your Limited Release day! We want to see your new stuff and so do the retailers.

As We Gather

As We Gather

Be Creative | Store Windows

Be Creative | Store Windows