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Wholesale Guru

Wholesale Guru

We have been working diligently on our NEW IndieMe Academy which will consist of self-paced modules to help new and seasoned artists successfully sell wholesale.

Get the tools, the knowledge, the inspiration, and the support you need for success. If you are just starting out you will learn to identify your target audience, register your business, learn basic bookkeeping skills, and more. Seasoned artists find course modules to help you scale your business for more success. Below is just a small glance into what our course will offer.


If you have been asking yourself “how will I know it’s time to take my craft full time and quit my day job” you are not alone. Making that leap to full-time entrepreneur is hard and downright scary. You think to yourself business is good, sales at shows are great, online sales are doing well and you may have even been approached by brick-and-mortar shops interested in selling your line. 

You have landed here because you want more! I am sure you have thought many times about how can I expand into wholesale. You are not alone, many makers have the same thought, and because of the fear of the unknown, they hesitate to make the jump into selling wholesale.

You have come to the right place. After you complete this online course, you will have the knowledge and confidence to sell your work wholesale to any retail store.

Is your business ready for wholesale? Are you prepared to take the leap?

If you have been designing for a while or even if you just started, you have imagined the type of shop you would be proud to have your collection in. This shop would encapsulate your brand and elevate your product by its placement. Before you can get your product line in that ideal shop you need to make sure you are ready to take that leap.

Managing retail and a wholesale business can be time-consuming. It will be your full-time job, so make sure you are ready!

First impressions mean everything so be mindful of this as you work to become Wholesale Ready. if you have zero experience in selling your product either through consignment or at retail art and craft shows, we strongly urge you to spend a few months doing so. You will gain invaluable experience understanding how the public responds to your product and the time and effort involved in selling, which you will use as you venture into wholesale.

Everything you need to know about sourcing supplies, materials, and packaging.

Where do you purchase your supplies? Are you buying in bulk? Finding sources for the materials used in the production of your line that will not eat into your profits is vital. Finding manufacturers who offer low minimums isn’t the easiest thing to do. Do your research before ordering supplies.

As soon as you are selling wholesale, you should be buying your supplies at wholesale or trade prices as much as possible to help with your costs. Contact manufacturers for assistance in finding what you need at a lower cost. Combine buying power! Jewelry designer? Know other jewelry designers? Together your order might qualify for a volume discount. Planning ahead and ordering enough supplies for a 6-month period might also qualify you for volume discounts. If you must purchase at a retail shop, set up an account with them and avoid paying tax.

Sign-ups for our IndieMe Academy will be open soon. We are confident that our online course has the information, assignments, and worksheets to give you all the skills and confidence to sell your items wholesale.

Buyers will be impressed with your knowledge and business savvy. Sign up soon.

“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest” -Benjamin Franklin

Buying Seasons

Buying Seasons

