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Inside the Studio: An Exclusive Interview with Darleen Nixon of Nixon Art Glass.

These conversations will provide an exclusive look at the artistic journeys of IndieMe artists, offering insights into how they turn visions into reality and the challenges they overcome along the way. Join me as we delve into the creative minds behind the art, exploring the passion and dedication that fuel their work.

Creative Process

Who or what inspires your designs and creations?

Color!  I love color.  I’ve been known to follow a woman with a sketch pad in my hand to get the beautiful colors and designs in her coat.  Color and color combinations are everywhere.  Mother Nature does a great job with color.

Do you have a favorite piece you like to make?

I like making my art glass landscapes because it is so challenging.  I build the landscape image in glass from the background to the front detail.  It usually takes 4 solid days to complete one landscape!

How do you stay motivated and inspired when faced with creative blocks?

My glass motivates me.  I love trying something new – new designs, new colors, just playing and experimenting with the glass is very motivating.

Business Aspects

Any tips for time management and organization?

It’s that left brain/right brain thing.  If I have to deal with management/paperwork items, then I’m in my office and working on the left side of my brain.  I can’t transfer to creativity and right-side brain work in a day.  I dedicate a day to management and organization.  Then the next day I reward myself with time in the studio with my glass.  Great fun!!

What challenges did you face when starting your handmade business?

No doubt it was calling on galleries/stores and presenting my art glass to them.  I put my heart and soul into my art glass.  They are like my children.  And not every buyer thought “my children were pretty”.  That was painful.

Can you share any advice for creating engaging content that resonates with your audience?

Love what you do and be proud of it.  Believe in yourself.  I watch or listen to what customers say about my work and sometimes use their own words/observations in marketing my art glass.

Customer Experience

How does customer feedback influence your work?

I love trying to see my work through my customer’s eyes.  It is great feedback.  I stay true to my work, my vision.  But often I get great suggestions for new ideas or improvements from my customers.  Always learning!

Can you share a memorable customer interaction or story?

Sometimes you need to stay true to your vision of your work – your goals.  I had a customer recently bring in her iPhone with a photo of a piece of glass work being sold on “Esty”.  She wanted me to replicate it.  I simply will not copy another’s work or make something I’m not proud to have my name on.  I told her I could not do the “special order” she was requesting.

Personal Insights

How did you get started in creating handmade items?

I guess I’ve always been creative and trying new things.  I tried weaving.  I tried watercolor painting.  And then there was hot molten glass.  I was hooked!!  Something so magical about creating with fluid glass.  You have to be totally dedicated to that moment.  Your hands and the glass in a coordinated symphony together.  I took my first class in lampwork glass bead making many years ago and just expanded my love of glass to fused glass.  And I was off!!

What are some common misconceptions people have about handmade businesses?

Great question!  Often people refer to my business as “my hobby”.  It’s my full-time job!!  Other times I’m challenged on the price of my work from those that have no conception of the difficulty creating art in glass.  I try and let these misconceptions roll off my back.

How do you balance your personal life with running your business? 

Personal life?  I have a personal life?  My business demands my full attention.  When a store calls for an order, I have to drop everything and make their needs a priority.  Still working on trying to balance between business life and personal life!

Best tips for time management and organization?

Make lists – make priorities, and most importantly – DELEGATE.  There are only so many hours in a day.  I decided long ago to make my priority creating with glass.  That meant I had to delegate other parts of my business – someone to manage my website, some sales reps, etc.

Industry Trends

How do you keep up with trends and changes in the handmade industry?

The web is full of information.  I join web groups; Facebook groups, etc. and learn a lot.  This really helps me mold my business to changes in the industry.

Are there any emerging trends or innovations in handmade goods that you find particularly interesting?

How do the buyers find new artists?  With the downturn and closing of in person, handmade wholesale shows – I do wonder how buyers find new artists.  I also wonder what stimulates a buyer to purchase.  What are they looking for?  And do the buyers care if the artist is showing their work on retail sites such as “Etsy” or “Amazon Handmade”?

Selling to Boutiques and Buyers

How do you prepare your product line or pitch for a boutique or store?

First, I research the store.  Do they only take consignment?  Are they only interested in 2-D wall art?  Are they in a geographical location that might compete with one of my current wholesale stores?  Then I check with other artists to see if the store has a good reputation for on time payment.  I had a couple of bad experiences with stores not paying!  Then, I look at their website and determine if I have a unique art glass product they might be interested in carrying.

Can you describe your experience with trade shows, vendor shows and/or craft fairs?

Expensive!!  A really tough and expensive method of getting your art in front of potential buyers!!  My experience is that I’ve spent a lot more money being in a trade show than the income I needed to make at the show from buyers’ orders!

What are the most common questions or concerns that boutiques or buyers have?

What kind of deal will you give me?

How quickly can you ship?

Do you have any stores currently carrying your work in my area?

Do you make the work yourself?  Not imported!

Can you share any successful strategies for maintaining relationships with buyers?

A challenging learning curve for me was how important it was to stay in touch with the buyers.  My time is limited.  So, I hired two sales reps that do a wonderful job of letting the buyers know when we have special offers, new products, etc.  The buyers love this specialized attention!

What advice would you give to someone looking to break into the wholesale market for the first time?

Know your costs – materials; overhead; time, etc.  If you can’t cover your own costs with a reasonable wholesale price – your business will fail.

Let’s Get Personal

If you weren’t an artist, what career path do you think you would choose?

Ugh!  I can’t imagine not getting to create with glass.  But maybe I’d own a boutique or manage an art museum.

Tell us about yourself.

I’m fortunate enough to live on an island in the Pacific Northwest.  I live on 3 beautiful, wooded acres with my studio just footsteps from my home.  It is paradise!!

Do you have any hidden talents?

They must be fairly hidden because I can’t think of any!

Favorite recipe?

I don’t cook.  But I love Mexican food!

Your favorite TV Show?

“Blown Away”, of course.  Love watching them wrestle with blown glass!

Favorite pastime?

I’m hooked on Pilates.  I attend my Pilates classes twice a week.  Keeps me healthy and energized!


Jessica Adamany

Development Manager | IndieMe Marketplace


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