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Little Bee of CT

Little Bee of CT

Protect the bees! They are crucial to the ecosystem and essential to our planet.

It's their work as crop pollinators. This agricultural benefit of honey bees is estimated to be between 10 and 20 times the total value of honey and beeswax. In fact, bee pollination accounts for about $15 billion in added crop value. Honey bees are like flying dollar bills buzzing over U.S. crops. -FDA

Wow, I would say that is pretty darn essential. They are the number one pollinators and they are in trouble. Due to us humans and our pesticides, intensive farming practices, and changes in weather patterns.

Little Bee of Connecticut is doing their part to help the honey bee by educating the public about ways we can support the honey bee's survival. Read their story.

In support of the growing movement to “keep it local”, the Priore family, residents of Southbury, CT, are doing just that through Little Bee of Connecticut.

The premise behind Little Bee of CT is a simple one:  Provide locally produced, unique products from the hive, while educating their customers on what we can all do to help support honey bee survival.  All of Little Bee’s products are handmade in small batches and only include simple, minimal ingredients.

The contemplation of beekeeping as a hobby was happenstance. It started in 2012 with a trip to a Farmer’s Market in the Hudson Valley, NY, where an observation hive in one of the booths sparked a conversation with a local beekeeper. A few books on the subject, along with beekeeping classes taught through Flanders Nature Center in Woodbury, CT and they were ready for their first hives.  It quickly became apparent to the Priores that beekeeping would become a passion versus just a “hobby”.

The name “Little Bee” was a part of the Priore family long before their beehives were. It has been their daughter’s nickname since she was a toddler, thanks to a walking and talking Winnie the Pooh toy. “Little Bee likes to go, go, go…” it would say as she chased it across the floor.  When the honey bees came into their lives, she took an immediate interest and actively participated in the management of their hives.  Naming the business after she just seemed natural.

Natural beeswax is an amazing way to moisturize the skin and is commonly found in skincare products and cosmetics. It can help protect and repair rough, dry, or chapped skin because it has the ability to lock in moisture. Bees have so many superpowers and their beeswax is just one of them.

Find Little Bee of CT in our Spa Marketplace. We are certain all your customers will appreciate their mission to protect and save the bees while making amazing products for your skin and home.

Elisabetta Studio

Elisabetta Studio

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